Sashay over to these fabulous Rosiée posts
Color: Pink, cause of course
Symbol: The Rose
Nicknames: Twinks, Petals
One too many doors slammed, one too many pledges denied, one too many insulting remarks about his “wrong” type of gayness, and one brave Twink decided to found his own pack. Enter Rosiée – house of the garnet thorn. The den of fems and twinks, prisses and queens. They are the roses of the gay garden – beautiful, colorful, but prickly if you come for them! Don’t mess with these petals, for they are no wilting wallflowers.
Gurl, this space has needed a fem-den for a while now. The other 8 packs are all on a spectrum of masculinity – the extremes of Tauron and Ares, vs. the more subdued Orion or Meatheads. But none of them are fem. In fact, most are overtly opposed to femininity. Or effeminacy, if you prefer. To be a pack jock is to be masculine, or to at least aspire to the kind of fraternity and masculine loyalty that being in a family of jock brothers implies. But the gurlies of Rosiée say fuck you and fuck off. The swishy twinks of the gay world want in on this pack action. They want a space to feel apart of something bigger. They want a space to feel accepted, seen and loved. Masculinity does not own those desires.
Picture a small but tasteful villa in sun-soaked California. By the glistening blue pool, two dozen skinny legends lounge and tan in their pink jockstraps and yellow thongs. All day, Britney, Taylor and Gaga blast from the speakers and the gurlies chat and frolic and giggle away as they talk clothes, make-up and boys, boys, boys. They venture inside to grab a mojito and some privacy as two jocks get it on in the spotlessly clean house. They might end the evening with a Drag Race marathon of a season they’ve seen a hundred times, and then sashay off to bed for their beauty sleep. The alpha bitch will check in to ensure each of his twinks is feeling good – making sure any shade cast that day didn’t leave wounds – before he retires for the night in his luscious, velvety boudoir. That is life in the Rosiée den.
Though founded on an explicitly inclusive philosophy, it’s remarkable how quickly that faded. Rosiée have a strict weight limit for their jocks (sub 12% body fat, poundage variable by height) and a strict code of femininity. If your voice isn’t at least this sissified, then no entry, bitch. They still tend to claim they’re the most inclusive pack though. Makes them feel good.
They also claim sexual versatility, though the evidence is slim. The petals might prefer to just not engage in anal sex, rather than endure the indignity of topping. Some of the twinks are total tops though – and dom tops, at that. Just, most aren’t. The petals don’t like to broach this topic too openly, as the scars of shame run deep, but they often rely on outside dick to see them through. Masc dick, to be specific. They might invite some bros from Fenris or Orion to come over for the night, or Liberius if they can get it. Most of these skinny fembois are white as sin. The toxic bottom-bashers of Ares hold a certain appeal for the twinks, though their lust is marred by trepidation.
The greatest prize is straight dick. They love to invite their girlfriends and their beaus over for a party, dress in their fishiest ensembles, and lure the drunken straight dudes into their boudoirs to offer up their pristine, pink assholes for cunting. To the petal who manages to go all the way with a certified S straight guy, or do so most often, the title of alpha bitch will be given.
Common triggers: Male effeminacy, gender bending, gay-as-fem, straight chasing
*Page art by Artbyrocket