Are you a wolf of Fenris, brother?
Colors: Blue & White
Symbol: The Wolf (and the moon)
Nickname: Wolves
Fenris – the house of the fraternal moon – takes any jock willing to give his all to the den; regardless of how he presents or what he prefers sexually. Theirs is the ultimate brotherhood, or so Fenris sees it. Is there any animal more associated with packs than wolves? They don’t covet wealth, prestige, flawless beauty, or physical purity; nor do they limit their brothers based on body-type, skin color, dick-size, or anything else of that nature. All that matters is loyalty and love for the brotherhood. They sleep as one in a dog pile; they eat together, and eating is sacred – no fighting or bickering allowed at the table; and they share everything – clothes, money, showers, spit. Because most of the brothers are vers, Fenris is just a daily fuckfest. They almost never bring in outside partners for sex, though most alphas allow it.
They show deference to their alpha, but the hierarchy is flatter in Fenris than most packs: the wolves enjoy broad equality. The alpha is chosen through democratic vote, but rivals can step up to challenge the alpha to a physical contest if they have good cause. The winner fucks the loser, and will be seen by most as the new alpha, regardless of how the jocks voted. They are bound by their masculine urges, same as any other pack. Just cause they’re a bit more egalitarian doesn’t mean they can’t get all toxic sometimes.
Because of their ideological neutrality, they tend to get along with most other packs, though they often grin and bare it. Ares are too toxic for them, Summer too strange, Liberius too exclusive. But Fenris don’t go looking for trouble. The exception is Orion, whom they hate for how rich, prissy and exclusionary they are. Fenris is the opposite. They’re down-to-earth, naturally masculine and inclusive of all men who wanna become wolves. They don’t have fancy shit, and most dens can’t afford it. They scrape by, chip in and keep each other ticking away like a family.