Bottoms up for Cerise
Color: Maroon
Symbol: Cherries
Nicknames: Cherries, Catchers
For all things, there is its countervailing force. A pack that demands every jock be a top necessitates a pack that demands the opposite. Cerise (se-REEZ) – house of the major league catchers – is where the power bottoms of the world are at their most proud. Why cherries? Two reasons. Culture talks about popping or losing your cherry when you get fucked. The jocks here say fuck you to that. They didn’t lose anything when they took a dick up their ass the first time, or the fiftieth time. They just gained a greater sense of their own manhood and sexuality. And second, to a jock of Cerise, a top’s balls are like two little cherries in his hand. Yeah they’ve got nut inside, but he can still squash them if he wants.
The saying goes that everything is about sex, except sex, which is about power. The tops of Ares presume they have the power. Cock’s Rule, and all that. But do they? Who has the most power in a sexual encounter – the penetrator, or penetrated? Our bottom-shaming bias tells us the top is more powerful. He has the cock, he’s in control. But there’s a thorny issue here about rape. In the event of rape, the top has the power, obviously. But if the sex is consensual, the bottom does. It’s essential. We recognize that the bottom role is harder, riskier, more painful, more effort, less dignified, less active. The Spanish call it pasivo. The apparent passivity of bottoming makes one inherently closer to being a victim of sex. And so, power rests in the bottom’s hands, because the alternative is barbarism. If the bottom is ever not in ultimate control, the sex is rape.
That’s an awfully long way of saying: sex is complicated. And a lot of bottoms are fed up of being treated like dainty little powerless sissies. They’re fed up of being treated like women. The bottoms of Cerise certainly are. For these jocks, butch doesn’t cover it. The jocks of this all-bottom haven count among the manliest of all the packs (though, we can factor in a little overcompensation, I think). They like all that good manly shit. Football season is the highlight of the year. They just wanna get fucked. And they don’t wanna fuck back. That’s the key. Topping is forbidden for jocks of Cerise. Which is a law they self-police. To top undercuts the pride of being a total, shameless, power-bottom stud. They take strength from how much control they exert over a top when his dick is in their manholes. They take strength from the effort they put in to maintain and improve their bottoming skills. And they take umbrage at the Latinate presumption of calling them “passive”. There’s nothing passive about the way these bottoms fuck.
Cerise also doesn’t have an alpha. It’s something interesting about the mentality of two dozen bottoms living together, masculine though they are – there’s no need for an alpha. The jocks are just more, well, egalitarian than their top or vers brethren. They’re more independent, more individualistic, and in many ways, more liberated. The only cardinal rules the jocks follow are never to top and never to bottom-shame. And so they don’t.
That said, while we’re talking about the complexities of sex, there’s an issue here that an alpha could help solve. Bottoming is essentially infinite. A bottom – especially a power-bottom of Cerise – can take dick after dick, hour after hour. Yeah, he’ll get sore and tired, and yeah bottoming isn’t pleasant once you’ve cum, but he can do it. It’s physically possible. Not so with topping. Topping is finite, because cum is finite. And cum is a top’s ace in the hole. Without it, he’s a bit of a joker. In a pack of twenty bottoms, the fact that a top can only get one good shot, and maybe two or three bad shots, before he’s completely spent means that the risk of toxic competition between the bottoms is always lurking close. The bottoms want the best cock available, and they want it now! That cock can’t go around to every brother and shoot his shot. It just can’t. An alpha could help by taking the lead and dishing out available cock as fairly as possible, rather than it being the free for all it currently is. If one brother felt like he was getting less dick, the alpha could prioritize him. As it is, the brothers have to work on good faith instead. Easier said than done.
As Ares brings in hole to their den to satisfy their tops’ needs, Cerise brings in cocks to keep the boys full. Just more. More tops flow in and out of that den than bottoms do in Ares. It’s math. One bottom can satisfy a whole pack for a night (though he’ll be fucking sore tomorrow), but one top can only satisfy a fraction of a pack in turn. This might go some way towards proving bottom superiority. A bottom can fuck forever; a top is good for one go and then useless until he’s recharged.
You’d think that Ares and Cerise are perfect matches. All tops and all bottoms, both keeping each other satisfied. Only, you underestimate the stubbornness and pride of the human condition. Both packs hate each other. Ares thinks a pack of all bottoms is an absurd joke, and an offense to masculine primacy. And Cerise thinks a pack of bottom-shaming toxic douchebag tops is, well, just that. The tops Cerise brings in are usually unaffiliated with any pack, or else they come from anywhere but Ares. The flamers from Meatheads, wolves from Fenris, or pigs from Tauron are popular choices, as they’re typically the friendliest (read: easiest to dominate). Though the black kings of Liberius will always hold particular appeal to a pack of total bottoms.