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The bonds of fraternity run deeper than any other. When men care for each other, they are unstoppable. But fraternity does not start and end with blood. The relationships men build of their own volition are often more powerful than those of genetic chance. Jock packs are fraternities – groups of like-minded men who have come together to embrace their beautiful brotherhood.
And like literal fraternities, these jocks live together. They stay in dens – somewhere between 12 and 50 jocks supporting each other emotionally, financially, physically, and sexually. For jock packs are ultimately about sex. Unlike blood fraternities, and unlike the often rancid, fleeting fraternities of het men, jock packs embrace the full gamut of androphilia up to and including sex. These are groups of gay and bisexual men who understand what it truly means to love men.
There are nine packs – Ares, Cerise, Dark Summer, Fenris, Liberius, Meatheads, Orion, Rosiée and Tauron – and each live by different philosophies, accept different members, and approach the all-important questions of masculinity and sexuality differently (for a full-breakdown, see each pack’s individual page). A single pack can have any number of dens across the world – joined by a shared infrastructure and a life-long bond. Even if a jock of Fenris has never set foot in another Fenris den but his own, the jocks of all Fenris dens are his brothers. And that goes the same with all the packs.
Common traits of all packs include a den, an alpha and hierarchy, a couple of hard rules to qualify for said pack, and a unique opinion on masculinity. Each pack has different den colors, pack-words, symbols, nicknames and identifying qualities. Have a look around and find which pack suits you best. Maybe you like the sound of many, maybe none. There’s no wrong answer.