Tag: jockification

Two Whole Days of Freedom

Coach gave his jocks the weekend off from their program. No gym, no chastity, no jock-files, no Team practice, no jock bonding, nothing. They had two whole days of freedom.

But what does freedom mean to a jock who has been successfully programmed? He could go to a party, or zone out to some video games, or hook up with anyone who’d have him, or just goon out to porn. But none of that comes to mind. Jockboi isn’t following the program because Coach has him in chains. He does it because he can’t imagine not doing it. Jockboi uses his two days off to go to the gym, listen to his jock-files, have intimate bonding sessions with his jock brothers, and practice his throwing.

This weekend was a test, and a test the jocks pass perfectly. If they had chosen, of their own free will, to pursue an agenda not related to their jockification, then Coach would have seen that as a personal failure. A failure he would remedy through a more intense program and harsh spankings. But he had nothing to fear. The jocks chose their jocklife. They didn’t have to think about it. So well programmed they are that as soon as jockboi woke up, he ate his Coach-approved breakfast, drank his jock juice, grabbed his bag and hit the gym. And then he was out on the pitch with his bros, cap back, passing the ball. Why the fuck would a jock wanna be anywhere else, thinks jockboi. Two whole days of freedom mean nothing in the face of his perfect conditioning.

Jockboi is a slave to the program. And in his slavery, he has found true freedom.

Read the first Jocked novel here!

What it means to be Jocked, and more posts here

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Look at this champion. It’s the eve of his graduation. Tomorrow he’ll be permanently uncaged by Coach. His dick will be free and with it, he will be free to live his life how he chooses. He sends another flexing video to Coach. Coach didn’t ask him to, tell him to; jockboi just wants to. It feels right.

Jockboi’s been on the program for four years. He started a scrawny, shy nerd. Besides a couple of awkward handjobs in highschool, he’d never been with a man. Then he was pulled into the world of his would-be mentor, who brought him to Coach, who saw the potential, and how got him started on the path to becoming a champion.

Tomorrow, that path will be complete. Coach has spent four years moulding him. Nightly jock files that have warped his mind in the interests of masculine orthodoxy and jock groupthink. Daily gym sessions to hone his body into the artefact of masculine excellence it has become. A caged cock to control his sexuality until it’s exactly to Coach’s liking. And immersion in an intimate brotherhood, the Team, with whom he shares everything and would sacrifice everything.

When he graduates, jockboi will pursue his own destiny. Endless paths will be open to a man of such strength, grace and confidence. Coach will support him in what he does, so long as jockboi continues to be a proud member of his tribe within Jock Nation. Jockboi will always have a home with Coach and his boys, his Team. And jockboi will be sorely missed if he chooses to leave.

Read the first Jocked novel here!

What it means to be Jocked, and more posts here

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One year in the program and jockboi is transformed. His friends, family, professors – they don’t recognize him. Gone is the shy, flabby boy who exceled at math and loved Star Wars. In his place is a muscled up, dumbed down jock bruh with no thoughts but lifting, fucking, sports, and bros, bros, bros.

And you owe it all to Coach. It’s like he brought you out the darkness and showed you the light. He sparked something in you, a passion and lust that you’d never known before. Coach explained this. It’s the jock mindset. Normies – betas – they live in black and white. An orgasm feels good, but that’s it. It’s here and then it’s gone. But for a jock, an orgasm is cosmic, and everything else is orgasmic. Everything from eating a cheeseburger to taking a shit, scoring a goal or wrestling a bro takes on a sexual thrill. His nerve-endings are sharp, his sensations are intense; the world is in Technicolor and it’s all because of his jock mindset.

That’s what it means to be transformed. To go from normie to jock, from beta to alpha. It’s not just that you now have a hot body and aching balls, it’s that the world shines where before it flickered. And jocks want to have an impact on that world. They want to leave a mark, to have people turn their heads to look. So jockboi sheds his tank and watches himself the way he knows other people watch him, and the way he knows other people should watch him. The jock mindset is a glorious thing.

Read the first Jocked novel here!

What it means to be Jocked, and more posts here

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Fully Jocked

Fully jocked the fuck out. Bro here in his room at the dorm with everything he needs.

His sneakers cleaned and close-by, ready to be slipped on once bro is safe in his strap, and is wearing a sexy pair of shorts (the sluttier the better). Coach needs his boys ready for activity. Gym is a daily grind – 2 hours minimum for any citizen of Jock Nation – but they need to also be ready to play, run, jump, throw and wrestle. Beyond their regulation uniforms when they are training for the Team, the jocks should be dressed like they spend all day outside, playing sports and goofing off. Cause they do. Cause Coach says they do. Coach wants his boys tired and sweaty and strong. They’re like a pack of puppies he’s trying to wear out.

And so his backpack is ready to go for his morning gym sesh – it’s got spare shorts and straps and shoes in it, just in case (a jock will never be comfortable without his uniform), his morning jock juice (a roid-infused concoction of protein), and his gym accoutrements to help him push his limits (back brace, wrists bands etc).

His headphones are there so he can listen to his jock file before he goes to sleep – a jock’s daily conditioning that reminds him what he is, why he is, and who he is for. Coach has all his boys on the same files, feeding them the same propaganda, in order to make them the same. The headphones are also for listening to Coach-approved “jock music” – mainly rock and heavy metal interspersed with the guttural sounds of men fucking. When no music or file is playing, the headphones just release a constant background noise of bro-sounds relayed in perfect bro-voice: “Bruh” “Dood” “Huhuh” “Fuck yeah” “Fuuu~” So joosy dood” “Need to bust bro” “Love that shit”. If jockboi is ever feeling lost or lonely, he can slip those headphones on and be lulled to sleep with the comforting sounds of his brothers.

And of course his cap, cause bro’s so jock he sleeps capped. The cap is everything. It is the symbol of his membership in Coach’s tribe (black cap with a maroon grizzly on the front) and so sets him apart from the normies. But it’s also just the proof that he is jock. It’s fitted on backwards like all good jocks because that’s how good jocks wear their caps. He’s ready to catch a ball, lift a dummie, puff out his lips, stick out his tongue, kiss the bros, and suck Coach’s dick. The jocks have a special sensitivity to when Coach adjusts their caps when they’ve got his huge dick in their mouths.

And his room and bed are perfect jock as well. Nothing fancy or adorned – white sheets for a clean-cut jock. But you know that bed is sticky with cum stains from his constant leaking and wet dreaming. He’s in chastity, so he can’t jack freely, but he’s inconsolably horny and his rich jock balls have no other option but to leak.

The room has a heady, powerful smell. It stinks from the jock sweat, jock cum and jock farts, but it’s also pleasant from the powerful deodorant and cologne the boys wear to smell as masculine as possible. It creates an atmosphere that to the jocks and bulls feels like home, to the cheerleaders feels safe, to the runts feels worshipful and to Coach feels just right.

Bro is fully jocked. This is the where the program leads.

Read the first Jocked novel here!

What it means to be Jocked, and more posts here

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