CW: Trivialization of body dysmorphia
A piece of Party propaganda plastered across the cities in Homolania. The message is clear to the mind-fucked citizens: strength is glory, weakness is degeneracy.
Which side are you on?
It’s not a question that needs considered. The homocitizenry is beyond thinking at this point. But propaganda isn’t about thought. It’s about acceptance. The homocitizen is fed a message, and he swallows it as willingly as he’d swallow a cock. Every thing the Party says is truth. That’s the only thing everyone knows for sure. If the Party says it, it is true. If the Party says it, it is true. If the Party says it…
This image isn’t captioned. The men see the image of a muscle-bound arm and understand it is desirable. They see an image of a skinny arm and understand it is wrong. Immoral. All men attend the gym. It’s not law, only universal custom. But following this campaign, gym attendance across the country went up by 15% – men taking their workouts from 5 days a week to 6. The sale of roids also spiked. Most men would look in the mirror, compare their arms to the model in the poster, and feel a burning need to dose. No man – not a single fucking one – can stomach being the pencil-armed weakling. In Homolania, every idol of culture, society, and power is muscular. Muscularity is the cornerstone of masculinity, and masculinity is the only value worth pursing. That is law.
Must get bigger. Must get stronger. Must get bigger. Must get stronger. The Party does not recognize body dysmorphia or bigorexia or any other foreign concept that seeks to valorize weakness. If a homocitizen looks in the mirror and does not see an Adonis staring back, he is failing in his duties as a proud androphile of the State. He should feel bad. Party propaganda serves only to spread “truth”. The truth may hurt, but in the long term, the men of the realm will be stronger for it. No pain, no gain, boys. Now fucking lift.
Learn more about Homolania here.
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