Read your posts; get jocked! – Coach’s orders

Dude, you know how thinking’s, like, hard and shit? And you know how working out, and playing football, and jacking off, and spending time with your bros makes you feel fucking good? Well, dude, you need to meet Coach. He’ll turn your life around. Get you fucking jocked! You’re gonna have fucking ripped muscles, and a dripping cock, and so many jock buddies you’ll never be lonely again, dude. Sorta remember my life before the program. Was a total dork. Podgy waist, skinny arms. You know the type? And I was into all sorts of dweeb shit. Collected Pokémon cards, played Starcraft, studied philosophy, bro! Huhuhu. Yeah, me a rogue scholar. Can you imagine? Now, I’ve got the muscles and the attitude. It’s just football, porn, gym, and bros. That’s it!

Oh, fuck, and if you keep with the program, you’ll get to join the Team. Fucking love the Team, dude. Just all us jocks playing sports, and hanging out and getting hard together. You know, ripped, I mean. And getting hard dicks, too, dude. I know, I was the same. I used to think fucking other dudes was kinda gay or some shit. Coach set me straight, huhuhu. It’s not gay, it’s androphilic. I’m showing my love for my fellow jock. And getting a raging boner for a bro is the highest fucking compliment, dude. And trust me: you’re not gonna be able to get a boner for anyone but your jocks once the program’s complete. This is the fucking life.
And if you’re too femmy or too butch to be a jock, coach has other programs too, bruhs. Join the cheerleading squad and charge the jocks up to play, fight and fuck; or else become a bull and max out your fucking yoked, roided body until your muscles fucking split, dude. Fuck! If coach sees that fire in your eyes, bro, there’s a place for you on the team. No man left behind! So become our big bro bulls or our little bro supporters and never stop never stopping, jockers! Jock Nation awaits!

Common triggers: Misogyny, femphobia, piss, sweat and stink, nerd shaming