Oink oink, Tauron piggies, time to goon
Color: Green, cause these boys are of nature
Symbol: The bull (but any beast will do)
Nicknames: Bulls, pigs, bears, hounds, beasts
Tauron – house of the horned swine. When your den’s colloquially called a sty, you can be secure the image you’re projecting fits the party line. So long as you’re a big filthy animal, the jocks of Tauron will take you. You’re a tanked bull with more roided muscle than sense? Tauron. You’re a chubby bear with hair all up your back and sides? Tauron. You’re a sick little piggy rolling in the mud? Definitely Tauron.
To say their den stinks is an offensive understatement. Twenty hairy, sweating hogs who consider getting their pits licked to be equivalent to a shower doesn’t lend itself to a sweet-smelling environment. There’s nothing sweet about their den. Sty is le mot juste. Clothes, plates, trash bags and pizza boxes litter the floors; the kitchen’s a fucking state, the bathroom even worse; and everywhere you go there’s a constant undertone of sweat, cum and piss. These boys love a man’s fluids. Especially when they’ve seeped into their most beloved clothing item – a used jock. The pigs sleep on a floor of used mattresses in one sweating heap; they bathe (when they bother) in a cold-water tub in the yard; and the den has no internal doors. The pigs do not believe in privacy.
Where Ares are total tops and Cerise are total bottoms, Tauron are total vers. All pigs must give and take dick. No exceptions. If a pig refuses to bottom, the alpha will intervene and have a long, intimate chat with him about fragile masculinity while the pig nurses on his fat dick. If a pig doesn’t wanna top, the alpha will suffocate him with his hairy ass until the pig is so turned on, he’ll have no choice but to fuck back.
And the alpha himself? Just the biggest, hairiest, dirtiest jock in the pack. The one they all aspire to be. So fucking manly. So fucking filthy. And manly is the word. Tauron don’t believe in the prissy masculine precision of Ares – to them, refusing to bottom looks like effeminate restraint – but they are extreme androphiles. Their conception of masculinity centers nature: to be close to their animal ancestors that civilization has tamed. Of all nine packs, Tauron is the most female-averse. A lot of the packs – Ares, Liberius, and on occasion Fenris, Orion and Meatheads – all allow heterosex in their dens. For all, homosex takes precedence, but fucking women can be an additional form of jock bonding to enjoy. Not so for the pigs of Tauron. Part of joining the pack is to swear a lifelong fealty to men and men-only. For the bisexual pigs, this might prove too much, so Tauron is typically the gayest pack.
Common triggers: Filth, piss, pain, stink, etc