Surrender your ego to Dark Summer
Color: Gray
Symbol: The Chain
Nicknames: Drones, Slaves
No privacy. No limits. No resistance. No ego. Those are the laws of Summer.
Dark Summer – the house of death – is the strangest of the packs. The outlier. The queer cousin of the mainstream gay ideology that keeps all these disparate packs under the same umbrella. For their ideology demands that all jocks give up their individuality to fully integrate with the pack collective. They are called the house of death cause to be a member requires the death of self. Only once you have killed your ego can you be a drone of Summer.
So what does it look like to be a drone? It depends on the den. Some are skinhead scally lads, others roided puppies, others hardened gym toughs. They tend to be images of a street-smart, wily masculinity. It doesn’t really matter. How each den came to find its collective spirit is now long forgotten. What matters is that each jock surrenders to it completely. That he take one step after the next until he is as close to his jock brothers as is possible to be. The ultimate goal is for all jocks of the den to be indistinguishable even to each other.
The thing that binds them all is the chain. To be a jock of Dark Summer is to be enslaved to it. That’s the chain. It symbolizes their connection, and their imprisonment. Once a drone has earned his chain, he never takes it off. It becomes as much a part of him as his own skin. The chain is the link that keeps Summer strong. Without the chain, summer breaks and winter comes and the drones die. Not the joyous death of ego, but the cold death of fraternity that brought these lonely souls here in the first place.