The Patriarch demands you read these posts. Or else!
It’s been decades since the revolution, and now we live in homosexual harmony. While the entire world crumbles in the face of socio-economic collapse, Homolania shines as a beacon of solidity. Here, where all men are gay, all men are masculine, all men are vers – the Party says so, therefore it’s true. Everything the Party says is true. That is what Homolania is built on, and never has there been a stronger foundation for society. Who are the Party? Upstanding homocitizens wouldn’t ask that question. Only the depraved, the immoral, the decadent and the counter-revolutionary would question the Party and their absolute truth. If you are any of these things, the orthodoxy police won’t be far from your door.
In the glorious nation of Homolania, women are useful only to breed more sons, but otherwise have been marginalized and ostracized to make way for the uncontested dominion of the purest expression of humanity – androphilia. Love for men, by men. “Heterosexuality” – that pervasive myth that existed for so long throughout decadent foreign culture, and still does in the war-torn periphery of Homolania – no longer exists. Straight men have voluntarily given up claim to their heterosexuality, or else have been “reconditioned” into their righteous androphilic truth. Similarly, all effeminacy has been purged. Men acting in non-orthodox ways is the height of decadence. Homolania needs men. Real men. Not sissies, or queers, or femboys, or whatever identity used to categorize men who are wrong in their thinking. These enemies – women, heterosexuality, effeminacy – provide constant fuel for the State’s machinery of hate.
The State exerts total control over its citizens’ sexuality, as it does over society, and to defy it is to defy truth, justice, beauty, reason and love. And who would want to defy such wonderful things? Only the depraved, the immoral, the decadent and the counter-revolutionary. The Ministry of Orthodoxy is replete with these heathens, and the Ministry of Justice works tirelessly to bring the Patriarch’s peace to the realm.
That peace is built on two fundamental truths – androphilic homosexuality, and homosexual patriarchy. Men rule, and those men are masculine and gay. These ingenious philosophies are brought to us by the Patriarch. Daddy. He who must be obeyed. Follow Daddy’s words to the letter and you will live prosperous, safe and free. Defy them in any way, and you will pay dearly. And remember – Daddy’s watching you. Always.
Common triggers: Gaslighting, abuse by authority, sexual assault, valorization of violence, pro-military, pro-war, pro-police, femphobia, masculine dominance, extreme misogyny
*Featured image contains artwork by Silverjow