Mark guiding a gym bro’s hands to where they should be. He’s got a lot of patience for his boys. Many of them have never been with a man.
Mark is often the gateway drug for his bros. The first foray into androphilic sex that sets bro on a spiral of homosexual decadence. Mark loves it. One day, dude is pent-up, reserved and toxic. Six months in Mark’s safe guiding hands, and dude is a sexually liberated poly fuckboi – having sex with any hot thing that’ll have him. Mark’s producing an army of bisexual himbo sluts. The gay agenda made manifest. He is the solution.
Some of his boys reserve their androphilia just for Mark. They don’t wanna play the field once Mark’s broken the dam. They just want Mark’s body, Mark’s lips, Mark’s throat, Mark’s ass, and – eventually – Mark’s cock. They are Marksexual. And Mark does everything he can to keep them on side. He strokes their ego, he worships their masculinity and sexuality, he treats their cocks as objects of reverence.
Most men aren’t willing to just give up a delicious good boi who’s champing at the bit to suck his dick, while praising him for every masculine excess that wider culture condemns him for. That shit will mess with a dude’s brain in all the right ways. And all it takes is a firm guiding hand from a beautiful, talented slut.
See what Mark’s about here, and read about his adventures here.
Buy his stories here

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