The dumb jocks are talking politics while they pass the ball. It’s like hearing a bunch of kiddie-leaguers discuss astrophysics. These jockbois have lost their minds to the spiral, but they like to pretend they still have intellect, opinions, ethics and the like. It’s a form of mimicry, like how children mimic their native language before they’re actually able to speak it. They intone it, first. The jocks intone the discussions of people who still have the capacity for thinking beyond lifting, sports, sex, fun and bros. It’s funny. Cute, even. Who knows what silly shit they’re gonna spout next about taxes, healthcare, or fucking road signs.
Coach Schmidt doesn’t care. So long as they look hot and throw like men, they can talk about whatever they want. But, some part of the old man looks on at these conversations and worries. The jock files – those nightly spiraling hypno-tapes that keep the jocks in line and turned on – are designed to wear down a jock’s capacity for other-thought. Coach’s tribe is built on masculine orthodoxy and jock groupthink, both he strictly controls. Politics – like literature, history, science and the like – are not relevant to this orthodoxy, and they actually fly in the face of jock groupthink. Jocks should have their minds on the ball, on their cocks, on each other’s cocks, on pussy, on porn, on the gym, on their diet. While these topics are intellectually meager for most adults, for dumb jocks they should be more than enough to keep them stimulated. When the bros ape depth with their attempt at polemic, they undermine groupthink. Coach doesn’t intervene because they’re all doing it. They’re all playing into and feeding the charade. In this, it is a part of jock groupthink. The groupthink that suggests they should be thinking about something deeper than cock and football.
Only it fails. It’s only ever an aping, never the real thing. The orthodox mind-fuck is too powerful, the groupthink too omnipresent, the desire to be a dumb jock too demanding for his boys to ever actually surrender to the lust for poignancy. Life is too short for poignancy, especially for men like this; young, dumb and full of cum.
Coach has nothing to worry about.
Read the first Jocked novel here!
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