The following is an excerpt from my story Gym Bros #1: The Jock. Buy the full thing on Amazon.
“Welcome,” said Dan to a man across the desk. “How can I-”. He cleared his throat. “How can I help you, today?”
“Was hoping to join,” said the man. He spoke in the same cadence as all gym bros. Low, breathless, carefully unprissy.
Mark was the same. As he licked teasingly on the thick rod waggling before him, his mind wandered. Gym bros had a way of speaking that distinguished them from the general man. Maybe it was the heavy roids the dudes did. Maybe it was their societal hang-ups forcing them down an octave. Maybe such men were destined for the gym. Fuck knows.
“Just moved nearby,” said the customer.
“Nice,” said Dan. He paused just as Mark really got down to work. “You from New York?”
“Nah, Oklahoma. Just landed a job here in the city.”
“That’s great, man. Have you- mmm. Have you used one of our gyms before?”
The client frowned in confusion as he stared down the 40-year old ex-bodybuilder with his bulging arms and frayed baseball cap. “You alright, dude?”
“Yeah. Sorry, just nursing an old injury.”
“Sorry to hear that, bro.”
“Comes with the territory.” His hand came below desk and grabbed the back of Mark’s head. “Tore my quad up years ago when I used to play football.”
Dan subtly jutted his hips forward and back. Mark kept pace, never gagging.
“Damn, sounds painful.”
Mark giggled silently from his hiding space. It was anything but painful, you damn idiot. Mark took Dan’s shaft all the way to the base and back and savored the fucker’s poorly-contained frissons of pleasure. To Mark, this shit was a walk in the park. An under-desk blowie before noon? No problem, no drama. Mark pulled the thick 5-incher from his mouth as quietly as he could and lapped at the glistening pink cockhead. He continued scrolling through his socials while he sucked.
Oooh, they’re releasing a new line of Pound! jockstrap. Mark liked the post and continued scrolling, never letting up on his suckling. Dan’s frustration came through in the force applied to the back of Mark’s head. He clearly wanted to fuck face, but was constrained by the civilization of it all.
“Never mind about that,” said Dan. “So you wanna join? I’m happy to help you there. I’m Dan. I manage this gym.”
He held out his hand to shake the newcomer’s and Mark tickled his balls as he did. They were high and tight, as per his roiding, and hairier than most of the men here. Gym bros tended to be a vain bunch – body hair was usually a rare delight.
Dan shook the client’s hand with an awkward cadence, like he had some kind of subtle tick. He usually had a good poker face. Men like Dan were used to being sucked off, whether by guys or girls. People always wanted to be on their knees for a football jock, for a bodybuilder.
“Name’s Hudson,” said the client. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too. If you just take one of these application forms, hand it in when you’re done. Then I can give you a tooour!”
Mark twist-jacked his dick with one hand, tickled his balls with the other, and suckled the tip with his mouth. His great cocksucking trifecta. Dan was seconds from busting. Mark could tell.
“Right,” said Hudson. “Sorry about your leg, bro.”
He walked away to a nearby seating area. Dan called after him. “And welcome to Warriors of Sparta. Where we turn mice into-”
He bust his load and it shot into Mark’s hermetically sealed mouth. The ropes blasted against his tongue and throat and Mark gulped it down joyously. His prize.
“-men,” Dan squeaked.
See what Mark’s about here, and read about his adventures here.
Buy his stories here
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