This man is a typical parliamentarian of Homolania. Politics is a game of the physical and sexual elite, so goes the Party’s ideology. Politicians are not chosen through biased and sordid elections, or through mystical nonsense like divine right, or even through the partisan, militant conquest of a dictator. These systems all lack legitimacy, or strength, or both. They are corrupted by money and nepotism and unearned narcissistic greed. Not in Homolania. Here, all that wins is androphilic strength.

Politicians are chosen through publically broadcast games of strength, skill, intelligence, loyalty, and sexual virility – designed to weed out the weak and elevate the strong in a way that is undeniable to the governed. The whole country watches the Parliamentary Games every five years and sees their newest champions of government rise up. Many of the old guard remain – incentivized to work tirelessly on maintaining their excellence – and many new, younger men enter; either because they oust the sitting members, or because the older members of the House (those who have maintained their parliamentary seat for 20 years by the start of the next “election”) ascend to the second chamber where they are granted life-peerage. The winners of the games become national figures of admiration, not disdain; emulation, not suspicion. The boys and men of Homolania fantasize and sexually glorify their parliamentarians. How could they not?

And there’s no way to cheat the system. All men between the ages of 18 and 45 are allowed to compete. It is up to any individual man to train to win – he trains in the gym and the field as the Party demands; he trains in the classroom and the library as the Party demands; he trains in the club and the boudoir as the Party demands; and he trains through total internalization of the Party’s propaganda, as the Party demands. Even the cruel hand of genetic fate is mediated by universal use of steroids. All men synthesize their muscles, most intensely those who aspire for power. At no point does money or privilege or background or even genetics come into it. If a man wants it, he will earn it.

And as for the second chamber – yes, those men are granted life peerage, but only if they maintain their seat in the lower house for twenty years. To do so is an extraordinary feat. To keep power for so long deserves keeping power forever, so says the Party. The citizenry understand that. The senators are the most highly respected of all; the daddies who determine the continuity of the State. They have earned that right through constant conquest. No one can take issue with this beautiful, elegant system.

So imagine this house of 500 masculine parliamentarians, each vying to maintain and expand his own power in the face of his equally glorious colleagues. The sheer virility of the chamber is unsurpassed in any institution in the world; the orgies are cosmic.

Learn more about Homolania here.